Journal #2.2 / Level design

For my own Level design I would do something similar as the published beta-version shows.

You start on a platform, a Lady in distress quickly calls you and explains that the key to the Garden of Eden was stoles and you need to retrieve it. The door is just behind her, at our starting point. You need 3 total keys to open the door.

As you stand in front of the door, you see 3 possible routs. Left, Up and Right. There routs are disjunct, each witch its own style and more challenging then previous. At the end of each of these paths, you find one key and the animation shows you how the door moves ever so slightly.

It is an "open world", which means you can choose which path you take first, but if you are not an experienced player you will soon understand that some paths are "impossible" without learning the basics of the game mechanics in others.

The game is meant to be hard, so the only respawn point you have is the one you start from, in front of the door. Each route shouldn't take more than 2-3 minutes to finish if you don't make any mistakes.

Good Luck!

//More details in upcoming log!

Get [Project A] Garden of Eden / Level Design

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